since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for a cuckoo in a cage is worth two canaries in concert singing Christmas carols to canoodling crowds camped under coconut trees.
banned for using the 'c' words
Banned 'cause you cheated. You done it 'fore I did.
banned for claims of cheating without mentioning what I cheated
Banned for not cheating in the process of not cheating.
Banned for unfair play by altering the scores and cheating by taking double swipes at it.
banned for trying to score on the one who is unscorable
Banned for keeping score on the back runners while the front brunners take a breather
Banned for heavy breathing in the face of inevitable and uncompromising, insidious and ruthless ambiguities embedded in the Chronicles of Noogy that clearly state......"Pass the popcorn please."
banned for not allowing the butter to be put on the popcorn
Banned 'cause all the kernels don't pop. They do an MS, which ain't much.
banned for not amounting to much
Banned for amounting to all that never was and for everything that never came before it.
banned for twisting your words with the wind
Banned for Being Bohemian and any way the wind blows