since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for thinking dikes are the solution.
banned for looking for solutions that don't have any questions
Banned for not having a thoroughly homogeneous solution.
Banned for being homogenous when being homogenised was/is the better option.
banned for wanting better options but not doing anything to improve those options
Banned for wanting improvements on near perfect solutions that fit the bill without modification or interference.
banned for attempting to send me the bill
Banned for calling the invoice a bill and delaying payment beyond a reasonable time.
Banned, all participants, for being AWOL... Abesent Without Olfactory Latitudes.
Everybody's banned for being noticably absent and not saying hooroo [goodbye] when I have to go to Tasmania and may not be around for a couple of weeks.
Sadly, Shaunna's sister Janice is quite unwell in hospital and she needs to go down there to be with her. I'm going to lend support to Shaunna, Janice and family. Also, Shaunna's grandson, Storm, may have meningococcal, so there is much concern for him as well.
Banned for not banning regularly and neglecting to post best wishes, maximum prayers and thoughts to our cap'n and family.
banned for not understanding my personal issues which kept me away from my computer
Banned for having issues that interere with these 'ere forums and specifically this game.
Still here in Tassie, but things have not been good, to say the least. We ended up having to move out of the daughter's and into a room at the local pub due to adverse and intolerable circumstances at her place. Put it this way, we won't ever be going back there again. As for Shaunna's sister, she is fighting on but has too many issues to pull through altogether. Anyway, we will be back at home on Wednesday May 16.
Hey Ryat, here's hoping things are on the up for you.
banned for screaming from the trees while the ocean dies a quiet death
Mostly financial. Computer is getting old and needs a complete rebuild but funds need to be spent elsewhere. Will eventually get it rebuilt.
Banned for pulling the plug after the fact.