since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for arguing English with a guy with an English accent. It implies ownership.
Banned for unlike other Robin Hoods, only this Robin Hood speaks with an English accent.
Banned because my forums do not own my threads. 1 point to Scout though for spotting a potential flaw in my argument.
Now read it again. "Haunt thy forums from which thou wert created." Now say "haunt your forums from which thou wert created." Still doesn't quite work.
Due to the invocation of a tortology (look it up if you don't know what it means), the need to denote belonging twice is somewhat misplaced.
Banned because that makes sense.
I'm surprised.
banned for I warned you
Banned because indeed you did.
banned for rubbing it in that I rubbed it in.
Banned for rubbing.... "it".
well, I tried NOT rubbing it, but then my hands were idle. And I cause much more damage than blindness and hairy palms when they're idle, so I went back to "it".
banned for not banning.
banned for letting the dog attempt to kill this thread.
banned for I don't let him do squat, but I did forget to ban. Hands were distracting.
Banned for being distracted by the many things you can do with your hands...
banned for I finished making tacos!
Hands are no longer distracting.
Hand banned.
banned for I still have them! You have no power to eliminate my hands from reality! Ha ha!