since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned because kinkiness is in the eye of the beholder.
Banned for not being kinky.
It doesnt. I just always find something or someone to make fun of
"Human beings are a disease, and we are the cure"
banned for being the cure for humans but getting owned by them.
banned for I need to know some good mods for GalCiv II
can you help please danielost?
banned for no
Banned because no means yes.
banned for a rapist would love you as a lawyer
Banned for supporting this ripoff of the real BANNED GAME!!!!!!!
Oh no...NOW I DID IT TOO!!!
-Twilight Storm |
EDIT: For a hilarious dose of irony, press the read edits button.
banned for reviving a thread I managed to finish off over a month ago.
Banned because I now have another valid place to post my picture.
banned for you rarely have a valid place to post your picture.
do it yourself?
No, unfortunately. Banned because, if I had, the "thy" would be a "the."
Banned because I believe either expression is correct.
Banned because "thy" infers ownership. My threads do not own my forums.
Banned because "thy" does not necessarily imply true ownership. You do not own "your country", or "your parents". Things that imply ownership can also imply reverse ownership or simply association.