since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for crying about crying.
Banned for saying i was crying when i wasn't!
banned for claiming you weren't crying when you were,
Banned for saying i'm crying when i cant cry and kill wallmasters at the same time!
Banned for thinking you can kill wallmasters without crying.
Banned for crying every thime you kill a wallmaster.
banned for thinking i call wallmasters(what ever they are.)
Banned for admitting to not know what wall masters are but still banning
Random Plug: Commen Scense, available free of charge at birth
Banned for assuming people have common sense.
banned for what is this, what do you call it, common sense
Banned for banning the guy before u
Banned for using the same ban in two threads. Where's the fun in that?
banned for being hypicritical on two threads.
Banned for not swiping my rapid dual-ban technique.