since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for being a one eyed freak brain.
Banned for wnating me to be just like all the other one-eyed brains.
Banned for a misleading avatar. You have no brain.
Banned for a misleadinger avatar: you have no rank.
banned for a misleading something or other.
Banned for being the person to ban before me
I ban the next person for banning me and banning everybody or anybody else
banned for falling in the dark
Banned that before....what about........nah.......thats been done.......oh i guess this will have to do...........
banned for banner use in a ban game.
Banned for banner abuse in a ban game
banned for abusing banner abusers in a ban game..
Banned for banning me...Don't you know who i am....
banned for thinking i care
Banned for not caring.......I care.........
Banned for crying,only under 7's do that.