come on folks we space people need a place to live in space.
please provide us with blueprints for a spacecity.
the winner will recieve 10 trillion credits as soon as we figuare out how to transfer through the dimensional fog.
I had to make it in two parts do to my computer.
each block on the city would look like this.
with this concept a city would not be limited in size.
Heh - Wonder if you could set something like that up as a starbase templates - maybe an alternate kind of 'influence' starbase, inasmuich as it would have actual population on it.
you can i just don't know how.
You can't actually make a populated starbase without decompiling and editing the program itself (which I think is actually illegal), but you can make the model be your Starbase(I mean).
scoutdog the game is completely modable. so yes you can make a new shape for a starbase. there are even some in the libary.