it seems that the main difference right now between the GOP and the democrats. at least well they are campaigning is the following.

the democrats are trying to empower the government by taxing everyone to death.

the republicans are trying to empower the government by reducing taxes on the people.

both sides are spending like crazy to get reelected. and i don't mean the donated money.
on Dec 14, 2007
the democrats are trying to empower the government by taxing everyone to death.

the republicans are trying to empower the government by reducing taxes on the people.

Well put, actually...neither side realizes that, according to the Constitution, power is supposed to rest in the hands of the PEOPLE, not the government.
on Dec 14, 2007
Well put, actually...neither side realizes that, according to the Constitution, power is supposed to rest in the hands of the PEOPLE, not the government.

the parties do. the people have been made to forget.