Published on November 26, 2007 By danielost In Current Events
according to the NATO commanding general in Afghanistan says that the taliban are not on the offensive rather they are on the defensive.

so gene there goes another one of your truths.

they also said that they intercepted a weapons caravan from Iran.
on Nov 26, 2007
this is what happens when you get all of your info from one source and that source has an agenda.
on Nov 27, 2007
so gene there goes another one of your truths.

It doesn't pay to argue with Gene. God Himself could correct him wih proof before his eyes and he wouldn't care. The only reason I gave him even one comment on his blog recently was that he gave me one on mine. I felt I owed it to him.

Other than that it doesn't even pay to read his articles. Don't feed the trolls and your blood pressure will lower.