Published on November 19, 2007 By danielost In Everything Else
call it the good hummer frigate.

it is armed like a scout.

special ability stops work, steals credits.

when it uses its special ability all activity in the grav well stops.

ships stop going to their distentions, constructors stop constructing, all activity stops.

and during this time the frigates steals credit in the following amounts.

frigates=50 credits per second
cruisers=100 credits per second
caps=500 credits per second
buildings=1000 credits per second
planet populations=1 credit per second

after its ability is expired the ship has 20 seconds to get out before it can be attacked.

i mean after all you don't want to kill the guys who just give you ice cream do you. or what ever treat the vasari like.
on Nov 19, 2007
Hrm, I'm going to assume this is an attempt at a joke and not a serious suggestion
on Nov 19, 2007
not the off topic placement
on Nov 19, 2007
Oy, I just look at the recent posts list and don't really notice the forum header
on Jan 17, 2008
I decided I couldn't leave this to die so badly.

The tactical use of this ship would be to send it in just in front of your attack fleet. So that the enemy fleet is distracted.
on Jan 17, 2008
Did you mean "Good Humor?"

Because "Good" is unnecessary infront of hummer. All hummers may be assumed as good. Both of these services do however typically require credits
on Jan 18, 2008
Did you mean "Good Humor?"

on Jan 18, 2008
on Jan 18, 2008

The tactical use of this ship would be to send it in just in front of your attack fleet. So that the enemy fleet is distracted.

You have to becareful with the timing here, because if you get in there to early. Your ships will stop to have icecream instead of attacking.