the complaints have always been when a large group of of immigrants come here at one time. Chinese, Russian, or what ever.

the complaints are always.

1 their coming to take our jobs.

2 they don't/won't speak English. by the way we no longer speak English either.

3 they work for less than we do.

4 they live in large groups in small apartments.

and these complaints are true mostly.

but here is something else to think about.

first generation people speak their native language.

second generation speak both languages.

third generation refuses to speak grandmas language.

and it is working with the current migration of people from Mexico.

the only difference is that the first generations are getting mixed in with the third generations.

fox had a story last month about a Spanish church that had to start offering English service because there were to many third generation people going to church there.

yes i know that there is a large population of illegal immigrants from Mexico. they need to be deported and we then need to do with the illegal immigrant laws. they were only implemented so that we could have cheap labor.
on Nov 09, 2007
first generation people speak their native language.

second generation speak both languages.

third generation refuses to speak grandmas language.

I do not know if this is true for all, but my experience with my wife indicates a slightly different story. Although essentially the same.

Her mother came from Guadelejara, and so my wife is bi-lingual (although I think her mother was as well, but I never met the lady. I know her father was).

Her nieces and nephews do not speak Spanish! They can understand a lot of the spoken word, but they never learned it. Not out of a refusal, just out of being typical children - because they did not have to learn Spanish.