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this just out on fox
Published on September 3, 2007 By
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gov swartzinger.(sorry about spelling) wants to spend 400,000,000 on infrastructure. the greenies want to stop it. and yes one of the persons interviewed was a republican.
so tell me again gene how do we repair infrastructure.
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on Sep 04, 2007
Just to teach Col a lesson, post a link. That way you can say you posted a link when he doesn't.
on Sep 04, 2007
WWW Link
this is the closest i can get but it isn't the right story
on Sep 04, 2007
Great Example of Greenie Stupidity!! Here's a couple more to reinforce your point!!
It's like out in Utah, the dung beetle wreaked havoc on the aspens, killing entire acres of trees. The state went in to kill the beatles, The Sierra Club, Robert Redford, Leonardo DiCaprio and others who lie about caring for the environment successfully sued to keep the beatle alive.
A couple of months ago I read a propaganda peace in Time or some other news rag about how the death of all those trees was actually good for the environment. Oh.. except for the fact that most those trees are burning now.
Or how about the "Legacy Highway" that would run from Davis County, Utah to Salt Lake City. The project was proposed, funded, all the environmental impact statements were submitted and approved of.. the project was a go... until
Pin headed greenies decided that an acre area of swamp was "wetlands" and the ducks would all die out if it was disturbed... nevermind that there are square miles of duck habitat all over northern Utah, nevermind that that "wetlands" wasn't even natural (the owners built it on their private land so they could hunt ducks on it). Nevermind the fact that the project was already paid for and started...
So, the whole process had to be started again... including the funding since the contractors had already been paid... for a job they didn't even have to do.
So the good (and the not so good) people of Utah got to pay twice for the Legacy Highway...
I agree with your question to ColGene and the other liars who care more about their face time with the press than the environment... How does any of this help the environment OR the infractructure?
on Sep 04, 2007
This is what we get for being such a liberated country. On one hand we study, research, prepare and pay for everything for a new project and just as it starts someone makes a big deal out of it and slow or stop things. Then they go on TV and claim to be Ecco people for the fame as oppose to for the love of doing it for the right reasons.
on Sep 04, 2007
the Legacy Highway...
this highway was supposed to be done in the 60's
on Sep 04, 2007
The state went in to kill the beatles,
that was more than 30 years ago and, since they were only really after lennon, once their stooge offed john they got all subtle and decided just to hurt em badly by lettin em live long enuff to find out nobody'd need or feed them when they turned 64.
if only kissinger hadn't secretly signed harrison up for 'case of cigarettes of the month club'.
on Sep 05, 2007
Wow Kingbee! Way to catch that typo!!! Good One!
on Sep 05, 2007
Wow Kingbee! Way to catch that typo!!! Good One!
He's got a knack for that kind of stuff.
on Sep 09, 2007
wel mi favoright iz wen the greenweenies pound beeg knails in treez so wen the mans cum to kut thyem they lose a leg, ain't that funny? hahaha a man losing his leg so an owl can hav a plaz two libe in.
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