i noticed that the so called GOOD GUYS didn't care whether or not the so called BAD GUY was dangers. if he was different he had to be stopped and made normal.
i don't know if any of you watch the show. I will not after tonight.
but the GOOD GUYS are chasing down people who have the ability to control things with their minds, due to a mutated gene. Tonight's episode was about a man who could do real magic.
He was hurting anyone just preforming magic tricks which weren't tricks. but no one knew this except him and one of the so called GOOD GUYS. who was also a magician.
any ways the GOOD GUYS have a way to turn of the gene making the person normal.
i ask you what is so good about normal. The democrats want a village to raise your kids. That way everyone thinks the same. Gene wants everyone to think the same. That is why he keeps using the word vast and why if anyone disagrees with him on anything. They are just stupid.
I think that gene is stupid not because he disagrees with me. But because he writes stupid things all the time. like the vast majority of Americans want this or that.
so i ask you again what is so good about being normal. I am not normal. My father is not normal. No one in my family is normal. No one i know is normal.
i will tell you how not normal i am. I always told myself that i wouldn't have anything to do with any idiot who used drugs. I lived on the streets for a year in San Fransisco. Most of those people used drugs. Most of the people on the streets in San Fransisco are there because they want to be, not because they have to.
you can eat from about 5:30 am to 10:00 pm everyday. all you have to do is walk between the places, or use the bus.
anyways, The question of what is normal. Normal is what the majority of people agree on. ie their culture. in our culture, which is a Christian culture, sorry to the non-Christians out there, but someone has to tell the truth. we do not start wars unless we have(in the case of Granada) to or feel that we have to(in the case of Iraq).
Americans do not like to go to war. but we like to fight, at least with each other.
To outsiders this looks like weakness, but it is really a sign of strength.
now the new democrats come along and they want everyone in the USA to stop fighting with each other. even if they have to take away all of your rights to get the job done.
of course the republicans, want Americans to stop trashing America even if they have to take away your rights to do that.
Everybody is trying to make everyone else be like them. I don't want to be like gene, i don't want to be like bush, I don't want to be like the democrats, I don't want to be like the republicans. which is why i am a independent leaning toward the republicans.
I think that the so called homeland security act is bad. it takes away to many rights for security. One right taken away for security is too many. And we all know when the government takes away something they don't give it back.
how ever on the democrat side of things. The democrats want to take away your right to talk to others. like tell a pretty girl she is pretty. you can't do that anymore because she might be insulted by it.
you can't tell a guy or girl that they are smart because that is condescending to them.
you can't speak out against the war because then your anti-American. I say you can speak out against the war as much as you want to. Just don't speak against the troops, and don't bash the office. If you want to bash bush go ahead but don't give the democrats a pass for doing the same thing.
for instance a month ago the democrats and bush was trying to get a new immigration law passed. Someone on here was attacking bush for doing it. When i reminded him that it was a democrat law. He stated he didn't care because bush was backing it and may have pushed it through. This week the same man tried to bash bush for trying to veto a bill that would cut funding to stop illegal immigration. So a month ago he wanted illegal immigration. this month he doesn't.
sorry for the ranting