it isn't the constitution

it isn't the politicians

it isn't the army

it isn't the navy

it isn't the air force

it isn't the reserves

it isn't the national guard

it isn't the Hollywood crowd

what makes America great is the people.

this is what i mean. On 9/11 when those towers came down NYC lost the chief fireman.
there were thousands of people down there helping out. and i bet you non of them were asking anyone what the skin color was, or where they were from. i would also bet that there were a few bigots down there helping also at that point not caring about race, color or national origin.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Jun 28, 2007
I'm South African, but I would like to travel. I would visit America because of the people only. People tell me how bad America is because of 'Bush' etc. I really can't listen to them anymore.
on Jun 28, 2007
the leaders in this country do not represent the people any more

they are elitists all of them

so when you come here to visit you have to take them home with you lol
on Jun 28, 2007
this is what i mean. On 9/11 when those towers came down NYC lost the chief fireman.
there were thousands of people down there helping out. and i bet you non of them were asking anyone what the skin color was, or where they were from. i would also bet that there were a few bigots down there helping also at that point not caring about race, color or national origin.

Yeah but it's a pity it takes such a tragedy to bring that out in people.  
on Jun 28, 2007
Yeah but it's a pity it takes such a tragedy to bring that out in people.

true but maybe it takes a tragedy to remind them
on Jul 06, 2007

Danielost, I have to say this,

You post a list of things that you say America is "Not" in support of your conclusion that America is "The People!" And, I think that is Fine. Please allow me to dig into this notion a little further, okay?

You see, I would only disagree with the overall premise of your statement by saying, Yes, it is Not one Single entry that you list. I would assert that "It Is ALL of Them!" and, of course, Including "The People!" Does that make sense?

Digging further I would also suggest that of the items you listed there are a few of them MORE important than others. That many Americans don't give enough credit to the real things that make us believe that America is Great is unfortunate. And one of the "Real Things" that is essential and that without which NONE of the others would be possible, is "The Constitution!" It is a shame that the average American simply does not appreciate the importance of that Document and more importantly, what it Means!

Our Democracy is Strong ONLY because it is based on Our One and Only CONSTITUTION! You see, by structuring all the issues of human existence in the orderly way our Founding Fathers constructed it we end up with a plan that has safeguarded American Liberties and Freedoms for a very long time. Why do we feel that our Founding Fathers were so Great? Because these Wise Men took the time, care and attention to formulate such a tight recipe for a new Country that would work to solve many of the issues that have flawed other country's or republic's efforts at organizing a mass of humanity that could be allowed to live and prosper in Peace.

The Constitution is the Main Reason that we sense America as Great. The fact that its basic format is a Democratically inspired Constitutional Republic was a stroke of Genius at the time of its creation, and the full credit should go to the originators, no matter their personal motivation. Their invention was patterned to support the best treatment of the most important ingredient of a Democratic Republic, it's People! The balance between the three branches, for instance, was the first time that anybody knows of that built in a system of Checks and Balances so that it could be self-correcting. This item alone has worked extremely well until recent times, but the future will show that given time, the Constitution will re-assert itself through the efforts of honest men who are dedicated to the sanctity of Democracy.

The Freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution are the things that have allowed America to work and prosper without undue control by any other form of governance, whether Federal, State, or Local. The symmetry of the document as a whole is an additional work of Genius. Of course, our Founders had their main experience in English Law for a starting place and used it as a framework, but certain improvements they added further enhanced it, and ironed out some of the flaws still extant in the English experience.

So, no matter how much we feel like America is Great because of Her People, the People themselves would not have the opportunity to BE Great if it were not for the framework the Constitution provides us. The Primary Uniqueness rests in the combination of ALL these elements.

In My Humble Opinion, or course!

Thanks for your thoughts, Dan

on Jul 06, 2007
Our Democracy is Strong ONLY because it is based on Our One and Only CONSTITUTION! Y

this is true but it is the people that have kept it as good as it is

and all of those things that I list that didn't do it.

consist of the people that do it
on Jul 06, 2007
Well said, Barry.
on Jul 06, 2007
So, no matter how much we feel like America is Great because of Her People, the People themselves would not have the opportunity to BE Great if it were not for the framework the Constitution provides us. The Primary Uniqueness rests in the combination of ALL these elements.

the other thing i was trying to point out is that the BIGOTS in this country are only BIGOTS when things are running smoothly. When an outside force tries to step on any of our BROTHERS we react the proper way to defend those BROTHERS. All other nations may step in when there is a problem. But they do not consider each other brothers as much as we do.

I hope this makes sense.
on Jul 06, 2007
it isn't the constitution

Constitution is worthless without the people to support it.

Our Democracy is Strong ONLY because it is based on Our One and Only CONSTITUTION! Y

And I do agree with this. As long as you understand that my statement above is also true.
on Jul 07, 2007

All other nations may step in when there is a problem. But they do not consider each other brothers as much as we do.

That's a bit denigrate the values of other countries as being somehow inferior to those held by the US.

People in those other countries have selflessly died for their countries' values quite a long time before the US was 'discovered' by European exploration.

Of course, then there's all those people who were on the continent PRIOR to settlement whose own values were summarily trampled underfoot.

Perhaps it's time for some to get out from in front of the Computer myopia and explore beyond the end of your street, hop out of the closetted comfort-zone and grab a modicum of eddykayshun.

Sure, America is great, but so are all the others.

All have faults.  None is exempt...

on Jul 07, 2007
That's a bit denigrate the values of other countries as being somehow inferior to those held by the US.

OK your right

i am sorry

i should have said that the USA has the largest number of different cultures in it and we all consider each other brothers.

where as most other countries have only one or two cultures in them.

the only possible exemption i can think of is china.

India has a large number of cultures too but they do not consider themselves brothers not as the USA does.
on Jul 08, 2007

where as most other countries have only one or two cultures in them.

Again, naive.

Here's a hint...the oldest known 'culture' still in existence is not in the US of A's in Australia.

Different 'cultures'?...if you think 'European vs local'....then Melbourne-Australia is the world's third largest Greek community....and that includes Greece.

Something like over 50% of the population is only first generation that counts for one heck of a lot of 'other' cultures in our mix.

Same goes for most countries on the planet .... if you look....

on Jul 08, 2007
you miss understood again.

every country in the world can count on two hands the number of cultures represented in their country.

however the usa can count on two hands all of the cultrures not represented in it.

plus a few made up ones
on Jul 08, 2007

you miss understood again.

every country in the world can count on two hands the number of cultures represented in their country.

I need two hands just to count the number of different nationalities 'cultures' within my own family and inlaws.

I really don't see why you consider the USA so unique in being culturally diverse.

She isn't....

on Jul 08, 2007
When the footage of all those people running for their lives, their bodies covered with dust, and hair all matted down... could you tell what their color was? Niether could I. Great point Daniel!
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