Published on June 22, 2007 By danielost In Politics
the left blames bush

the right blames clinton

the middle blames the culture. while at least someone blames the culture.

the gays blame the straights.

the straights blame the gays.

the white supremists blame the jews and or the blacks

the blacks blame the whites.

the jews blame the anti jews.

the anti jews blame the jews.

the baseball players blame the football players

the football players blame the basketball players

the basketball players blame the baseball players

how come no one is blameing the people who actually did it AL QUIDA.

it doesn't matter if bush payed them or clinton didn't kill them or whomever did or didnot do what ever they did or didnot do. The ones who did it were al quida.

on Jun 22, 2007
ok col gene here is your chance once more to blame bush
on Jun 22, 2007
Moved out of Personal Computing and into Politics.
on Jun 22, 2007
sorry thanks
on Jun 22, 2007
I blame the Universities for not offering comprehensive counter-terrorism classes, and not encouraging students to join the military. This whole article reminds me of the song National Brotherhood Week by Tom Lehrer, only without the week.

on Jun 22, 2007
blame the Universities for not offering comprehensive counter-terrorism classes, and not encouraging students to join the military. This whole article reminds me of the song National Brotherhood Week by Tom Lehrer, only without the week.

but you didn't get my point
on Jun 23, 2007
I did! Al Qaeda did it, and it's only their faults.

Please forgive me for making light of a serious issue.   
on Jun 23, 2007
Please forgive me for making light of a serious issue.

I remember that song. I first heard it on NPR.

I'm glad you made light. Now it's my turn.

america blames america

Why is United States blaming a 70s folk rock group?
on Jun 23, 2007
Please forgive me for making light of a serious issue.

sorry i didn't take it that way
on Jun 24, 2007
I blame the school system that claims to have educated danielost.

Oh come now, surely that too was entirely Al Qaeda's fault?
on Jun 24, 2007
The major reason why we were attacked on 9/11 and prior to that is because we have been involved in the Middle East either to protect our supply of oil or because of our involvement in the Israeli/ Palestinian conflict. The radical elements of Islam resent the west and especially the U.S. from being in that part of the world. They hate the Moslem countries that have a relationship with the U.S. and hate when our actions look like we allow Israel to violate international law and then condemn the Palestinians when they also violate international law. They look at our policy as one sided which it has been. Bin Laden has been very clear as to why he hates the U.S.

After reading the Tenet Book, "At the center of the Storm" it is clear that the CIA provided many very specific warning about the impending attack on 9/11. These warnings were brought to the highest levels in the Bush Administration by Tenet and many had a 100% credibility index by CIA operatives. None on these warnings between March and September 2001 were given anything but lip service. In addition, Tenet personally brought these warnings to Rice but did not do all he should have done to prod Bush.

From the time Bush took office Tenet sought permission to use the newly configured Predator System to use the Hell Fire Missile that was added to this surveillance system. During the Clinton years the Predator system did not have the ability to attack a target that it detected and we had to rely on curse missiles that could take 1-2 Hours to arrive on target. The new Predator system was capable of attacking a target as soon as it was detected and the CIA sought permission to employ that system against bin Laden. Bush did not provide this permission despite repeated requests by Tenet. That permission was still pending on 9/11.

It is speculation as to weather we might have killed ban laden had Bush given the OK to use this new system as Tenet had requested. However the fact remains that Bush did not act on the use of the Hell Fire Missile which was added to the Predator System and did not take any action on the many CIA warnings that we were to be attacked al Qaeda. In all that time there was NOT ONE warning that the United States was in ANY danger from Saddam. EVERY warning was the danger was from al Qaeda and the operations in Afghanistan.
on Jun 24, 2007
what a small petty little world you must live in dan...i don't see things like that at all.
on Jun 24, 2007
Another issue is our operation in Afghanistan. We failed to apply the resources to eliminate all the terrorists in Afghanistan in 2002-2003 and now the violence is growing. In addition our operations are causing civilian causalities which are straining the support of Hamid Karzai who has warned both the U.S. and NATO of the increasing Civilian Afghan Deaths. The Drug problem has returned and is worse then ever and bin Laden remains alive and operating to plot more attacks on the U.S. The tactics we have employed in both Afghanistan and Iraq have not reduced the violence and have not reduced the risk of future attacks against the U.S.
on Jun 24, 2007
hate when our actions look like we allow Israel to violate international law and then condemn the Palestinians when they also violate international law

since when gene has it been against international law for a country to defend itself

the Palestinians attack and attack Israel and then when Israel attacks back then the whole world has a fit. where is the fit over the radicals that work for Syria in Lebanon

where is the fit over the civil were in Gaza.

where is the fit over the attacks on civilians in Israel

where is the fit of the Muslim fighters hiding behind children

where is the fit over the almost daily rocket attacks into Israel

tell me oh stupid gene where is your outrage over these things

you are outraged over bush removing a man who was committing genocide in his own country.

and then you through another outrage because he won't stop genocide in other country.

and then you throw an outrage because he has dared to use 25% of the national guard which was made necessary by downsizing whomever was at fault

and on top of all that you are outraged because bush didn't stop the attack on 9/11 whether he could or could not.

but where is your outrage for bin laden who did the attack.

sorry gene this has become a personal attack when it should have been pointed at everyone who shares your point of view.

the only time bush could have stopped 9/11 was at the airport before the planes took off. and the media would have accused him of profiling.

Drug problem has returned and is worse then ever

the drug problem has never gone away we hear about it every summer

Tenet personally brought these warnings to Rice but did not do all he should have done to prod Bush.

rice wasn't in a position to do anything that year she was an undersecretary or something like that

what a small petty little world you must live in dan...i don't see things like that at all.

why because i speak the truth here

clearly dictator gene blames the whole thing on bush. Even tho a man who was supposed to be a col. would know that an operation of this magnitude would take years to plan not a couple of months.

dictator gene i heard those reports over the news too. and even the documentary that they put out. You know the one that supposedly showed the whole thing as Clinton's fault.

yes according to that documentary, the Clinton and bush admin. was told that SOMETHING was going to go down on 9/11. but nobody know what it was going to be.

So tell me great smart man dictator gene who was supposed to do anything about what.

and i have said it before if bush admin knew on the day of the attack what where who and how. if they had stopped those planes with fighters. the news headline would have read BUSH SHOOTS DOWN UNARMED CIVILIAN JETS. and somewhere buried deep in the story would have been the evidence or mention of evidence.

During the Clinton years the Predator system did not have the ability to attack a target that it detected and we had to rely on curse missiles that could take 1-2 Hours to arrive on target.

it wasn't the length of time for the cruise missiles that got bin laden out of the way. It was Clinton telling Iran that we were going to shoot over them to get him.
Iran just called bin laden and told him to leave.

bin Laden remains alive and operating to plot more attacks on the U.S.

is in Pakistan what do we do invade Pakistan

i don't see things like that at all.

you don't see things like the democrats blaming bush for the ills of this country.

you don't see things like the republicans blaming the democrats for the ills of this country.

you don't see things like gene blaming Israel for the ills of this country. maybe you should read his first response to this thread.

on Jun 24, 2007

the reason i call you a democrat is because every time a republican does something that is wrong what ever it is. You attack him. When a democrat does the something you defend him.

the difference between you and me is

when i see a politician do something wrong i will not defend that person.

if in the case of bush and yes he is doing things wrong. the problem is if (in my opinion) either of the democrats had gotten in their choices would have been even more wrong

AL gore would have surrendered to the enemy. if not in reality(which he doesn't live in) in action.

Kerry would have the country so confused by now we wouldn't know what day of the week it is.

on Jun 24, 2007
ok now both of you will take my responses as personnal attacks so get in your licks if you want