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lets give a big hand to dictator col gene and a little hand to sean
Published on May 28, 2007 By
becouse dispite all evidence they keep singing the same song
bush is responsible for the fall of adam
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on May 28, 2007
sean gets a little hand becouse he isn't as hard nosed as dictator col. gene
on May 28, 2007
This is not very nice D?
on May 28, 2007
(Citizen)Poison5May 28, 2007 17:07:20
This is not very nice D?
may not be nice, but it is the truth.
Courageous Dageous
on May 28, 2007
but it is the truth.
Everybody on this site continues to sing their same songs. Nobody here has a truly open mind, it seems. We're all trapped in our ideologies, content to call other ideas "screeds" or "crap".
on May 28, 2007
They are entitled to their opinion just as you are entitled to yours.
on May 28, 2007
(Citizen)Courageous DageousMay 28, 2007 17:32:57
but it is the truth.
Everybody on this site continues to sing their same songs. Nobody here has a truly open mind, it seems. We're all trapped in our ideologies, content to call other ideas "screeds" or "crap".
gee I guess that would make all of us..... YOU KNOW..... PEOPLE.
on May 28, 2007
gee I guess that would make all of us..... YOU KNOW..... PEOPLE.
Although it seems some people are more equal than other people. And some don't read the TOS.
on May 28, 2007
(Citizen)cactoblastaMay 28, 2007 18:56:21
gee I guess that would make all of us..... YOU KNOW..... PEOPLE.
Although it seems some people are more equal than other people. And some don't read the TOS.
here we agree, but since brad was here and said nothing us peons have no power to do anything about violations of TOU. YOU steenkeen elite three you!! grumble aussie bastages.. growl..
on May 28, 2007
Wow, I'm a bit surprised that Brad didn't switch your legs for using JUers' names in your title. That's a no-no in case you didn't know it.
on May 28, 2007
i didnt sorry
Dr Guy
on May 29, 2007
Everybody on this site continues to sing their same songs.
This is not true! I started out singing Knights in White Satin, but then switched to Stairway to Heaven.
on May 29, 2007
i didnt sorry
danielost, may I offer a suggestion? Go back and edit the thread, and change the title to..."Lets give a BIG hand to our very own dictator, and a LITTLE hand to his Mini-me"!
But in all seriousness, mentioning names in article titles is a big taboo. Even though it's a "perfect" discription and all to true.
Dr Guy
on May 29, 2007
Go back and edit the thread, and change the title
Only for one Meeellion dollars!
on May 29, 2007
to bad we can't call a spade and spade, but rules are rules and some are NOT made to be broken.
Sean Conners aka SConn1
on May 29, 2007
Wow, I'm a bit surprised that Brad didn't switch your legs for using JUers' names in your title.
it seems the "TOU" these days are pretty much disregarded. i guess with the blacklist feature being able to be bypassed via the forums they have decided basically not to enforce anything. i can't remember the last time anyone got a "timeout" for a few days...which usually served to cool things off on here, if nothing else. these days, the only option, according to the administration, is to put up with it, or delete it.
but as far as your article is concerned, dan...
feel free to express your opinions about me. that is your right. as long as you are not insulting me or just being vile & or purposefully irrelevant on my lil corner of this blog, there is really nothing i could say if i wanted. which i really don't.
i do find it strange you attacking me like this considering that while i have debated various issues with you on here, unlike others, i thought i was pretty decent to you and all. but that, of course, is typical of the treatment i get from the right wing pundits on here.
funny, i don't get that from the few alleged "kooks" on the left when i dissent with them on issues, which is probably almost as often as i dissent with the right.
there are 2 issues that i have been steadfast about. 1) this administration sucks. i have my own views on how much of that is circumstance, luck, incompetence or deceit, as do others. but the bottom line is that they suck. they are not as advertised (real conservatives) and have done more harm than good in their tenure, particularly in the realm of our foreign policy.
and 2) that going into iraq was a mistake and the people who either were deceitful or so incompetent they didn't know jack-squat about the country we were invading beforehand or some combination of that and other things need to be held accountable. and accountability means something more than proclaiming ""my bad" now let's move on...btw, now you have to believe everything we say about the future, or we'll do the same "you are unpatriotic" game." accountability means people step down. accountability means we perhaps give more weight to the people who were right in the past as we plan our future. and if there is strong evidence that there was deceit involved, or other wrong-doings, the scales of justice must be given the opportunity to judge that and act accordingly. no person in their right mind would allow a company to blunder so badly, so often, without making SERIOUS change. and it amazes me that so many people who claim to be so pro - right in their views, and so pro business, would tolerate this from their government.
and the saddest part is that these wolves in sheep's clothing and theri punditry have been so successful in getting you, the people who, let's say "lean right" to be so vicious and personal when attacking anyone like myself, with a dissenting view.
is that whining? hell no. i'm used to it. it's not like the iraq war was the 1st time i held an unpopular view. but it does upset me a little bit that these jerks in our governement have been so successful in convincing you that me and others who disagree with you are somehow a "threat" to anyone, anywhere. that my words are inspiring the taliban and al qaeda (i wonder if osama has me on his favorites? lol). that they have managed to basically get your blessing in their attacks of anything that disagrees with them. that their ends justify these unhonorable means.
meanwhile, as oil companies enjoy record profits, in a war where there is no shared sacrifice, unless you consider the silent surrender of your constitutional rights a noble sacrifice, the picture continues to be painted that your real enemy are those who dissent. like this is some "invasion of the body snatchers" scenario.
i've got news for you. it's the dissenting opinion that has sparked most of the great revolution in mankind. and most of them weren't very popular in the beginning, or sometimes middle. hell, sometimes when victory is achieved, like in many civil rights struggles, the idea isn't very popular even then. just ask the people of missisippi who cried foul when the courts forced equality on their state instead of the 2 class system their bigoted past had taught them.
so feel free to attack me and those who dissent. take your best personal jabs...exercize your right of free speech. get a good workout. and when you are ready, we can change from that to discussing the issues...finding common ground where we can, and often that makes our differences seem much less and easier to discuss.
you can call me anything ya want....just please, don't call me a democrat. thanks:)
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