as of 2000 the people of this country are no longer being represented in the house as the founding fathers wanted.
there is one fewer reps. than there is supposed to be. becouse the government decided sometime ago to put an artifical cieling to the number of reps. which we exceded by one in 2000.
now this is my idea only
we take the states and divide them between two areas(insert proper legal term here).
and you split the reps in two houses each over an area. there would of course be a governer(insert proper name here) over each area.
the federal government would consist of the president, the senate, two houses of reps. at the federal lvl still considered one house. as has been pointed out in another post. with the modern tech this would be no problem to handle. and the supreme court
these areas would take over the job that the federal govenment has have keeping peace between the states, keeping the federal highways open and operating, adding new ones as happens now.
and the federal government could go back to doing the job it was designed to do. represent us in the international scene.
this would also allow us to add states when and if other countries like mexico and canada wanted to join us.(just examplies)
of course these two nations if added would become a new area.
but at the moment if puerto rico voted to become a state(they do this ever so often) which states would give up some of their reps to puerto rico
now please attack the idea not the person