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lets brain storm this question
Published on April 10, 2007 By
this is my own question
what do we call a moon of a moon becouse what i just said would be too confusing
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on Apr 10, 2007
satellite, planetoid (maybe), asteroid, or moon. I don't think a moon (moon1) could really have a moon (moon2) though, the planet's gravity would gobble up moon1's moon2 and steal it I think.
on Apr 10, 2007
some of the moons around jupiter and saturn are as far away as the earth is from the sun
are you saying that those two planets have more pull than the sun
at the moment i don't know of any moons with their own moons
i was thinking moonlet but it lacks something
on Apr 10, 2007
some of the moons around jupiter and saturn are as far away as the earth is from the sun
are you saying that those two planets have more pull than the sun
at the moment i don't know of any moons with their own moons
i was thinking moonlet but it lacks something
S/1999 J 1 (Callirrhoe)
The seventeenth and outermost moon; S/1999 J 1 is the smallest-known moon orbiting a major planet. This moon is 3 miles (5 km) in diameter and
has an irregular orbit roughly 15 million miles (24 million km) from Jupiter
. It orbits Jupiter in 774 (Earth) days and is in a retrograde orbit (orbiting opposite to the direction of Jupiter). It was discovered by Robert S. McMillan et al (at the Spacewatch program at the University of Arizona ) in 2000.
Earth — Distance From Sun: 93,000,000 Miles
(both from google)
The earth is ~6x further away from the sun than jupiter's most distant moon is from jupiter. There are also the size and speed differences that would help. I'm sure someone will come along and explain the whole thing, but I can't immagine a moon capturing something without the planet capturing it instead.
on Apr 10, 2007
yes but saturn has 3 sets of moons in the same orbit
and has two other moons that change orbit with each other ever four years
this is from the nine planets
and besides the smallest known bodies with moons are a couple of astriods
Evil Stormbringer
on Apr 10, 2007
The reason for asking this is?
on Apr 10, 2007
The reason for asking this is?
your right it is a stupid question
on Apr 10, 2007
(m1+m2)/d or something like that. Newton's law of universal gravitation. the sum of the masses divided by the distance between them. and i think theres supposed to be some constant that gets multiplied (?). Basically a planet would catch a moon before another moon would since the plant has such a greater mass.
on Apr 10, 2007
The reason for asking this is?
I feel all warm inside
on Apr 10, 2007
Basically a planet would catch a moon before another moon would since the plant has such a greater mass.
and if moon 2 has already been captured by moon 1 i believe if the planet rips moon 2 from moon 1 one or both of the moons may be destroyed or they end up shareing the same orbit
Evil Stormbringer
on Apr 10, 2007
your right it is a stupid question
I didn't say it was stupid danielost... I was just asking 'why' you were asking this question... like is it an issue in the game or something... or are you trying to make a mod... you know, a question!
on Apr 10, 2007
no not trying to make a mod or anything to do with game that is why it is in the off topic feed
it is just something i have been thinking about for about 2 years that is all
Evil Stormbringer
on Apr 10, 2007
Well if you really want to wrap your head around something and see what you come up with how about the upcoming cosmic event of December 21st 2012? It should prove interesting to see what happens when our planet, our sun, Venus, and other heavenly bodies line up with the center of our galaxy... among other things that will be happening. Another thing that will be happening during this event is our axis will have completed a full rotation, something that happens every 26,000 years. The Mayans, who happened to have far superior astrological calculations than we have today, call this time period we are in now the Long Count and when the cosmic forces align this will usher in the end... the main question is, how do you interpret 'the end' as so many scientists/astronomers/archaeologists have said, they aren't really sure if the Mayans meant the end as we would understand it, or just an end to this 'era' and the rise of a new, more enlightened one. They do leave a few minor clues with regards to statements like, "it will be the end of the war gods, people will unite for a greater cause". They actually had a show on this last night on the discovery channel, IIRC and it was quite interesting as it was the first time I've seen anything on this topic delved into so deeply... fascinating stuff really!
But again, my main reason for bringing this up is what do you guys think might happen if many of the heavenly bodies line up as they say they will as our planet completes it's wobble?
Evil Stormbringer
on Apr 10, 2007
Sorry danielost, I wasn't trying to steal your thread but it seemed like it fit into your OP... a little bit at least.
on Apr 10, 2007
evil maybe it does but it is still a good question
it will be the end of the war gods, people will unite for a greater cause". They actually had a show on this last night on the discovery channel, IIRC and it was quite interesting as it was the first time I've seen anything on this topic delved into so deeply... fascinating stuff really!
according to the bible no one knows the when the end will be except god not the angels not the son of man
as far as the event you talk about it will just be another day just like 2000 jan 1 was
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