Published on March 20, 2007 By danielost In Off-Topic
there shall be no more jokes, aars, or anything that isn't about bugs, or serious converstion about the game

neilo you brought this on you trying to tell me what i can and cannot say

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 20, 2007
I think his point was that a topic at least should have some conversational meaning. Just looks like your trying to pad your forum stats with one or two line posts that make no sense. Sorry about being blunt, but that's the way it looks from some people's point of view.
on Mar 20, 2007
i don't care about stats
on Mar 20, 2007
Does this forum keep stats?
I didn't think the number of posts was recorded, or at least available.
on Mar 20, 2007
Yes it does.

Daniel... stop posting crap. Where's wheel gone
on Mar 20, 2007
you clowns need to stop telling people what to do and think and say
on Mar 20, 2007
You need to start thinking what the government tells you to do, else you'll get a trip to the ministry of love.
on Mar 20, 2007
dont care what the government thinks either
on Mar 20, 2007
But the government cares what you think. They care very much indeed.

They're watching you, daniel. We're watching you.
on Mar 20, 2007
There's no need to argue, everyone. While danielost's threads may be... lacking in utility, they're hardly harmful. All I ask is that they stay in the Off Topic forum, so they don't hinder those wishing to discuss the game.

And remember the old adage: If you can't post something nice, you get to deal with me. Or something like that.
on Mar 20, 2007
i think they have some utility keeps some people smiling
on Mar 20, 2007
They really don't.
on Mar 20, 2007
Yes it does.

Was this in response to my question about stats?
If so, How do I access them?

P.S. Marcathonas, You say these posts are pointless, Well the fact that some people are getting so angry over nothing is quite amusing. Therefore they do have some entertainment value.

on Mar 20, 2007
In the metaverse under "high scores" there's a "forum stats" option with postcounts.

And while they have some entertainment value, so do a lot of things that don't involve being a trolling moron.

Although I have to admit, if he's another social experiment gimmick he's a bloody good one.
on Mar 20, 2007
I'm rusty with my acronyms, what does "AAR" mean?
on Mar 20, 2007
Think it means After Action Report. Battle summaries, like Frogboy's developer journals featured.
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