since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for Meme Of Doom.
Banned cause its really late for me
That would be all.
banned for staying up late
Banned because it was Sunday.
banned because it isn't sunday any more!
oh... wait a minute... it's not sunday.
Banned cause its Monday. And I HATE Mondays
Banned for Monday.
Banned for Tuesday.
Banned for any day of the week ending in 'y'
Banned for all days of the week end in "y", dummy
Banned for a dummy.
Banned for dum dim dum
Banned for showing early signs of dementia...or possesion
Banned for being a Dementor.
Banned for being demented.