since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for:Grox surrender:Does not compute.
Banned for thinking you are a computer.
Scoutdog banned for not knowing Exiles are the only people who can't exile others.
banned for not reading the op,
banned for not knowing that cheese is actually a government conspiracy
Banned for dising cheese!
+ =
banned being obsessed with cheese
when the Revolution comes, you will see the truth
Banned for mocking my mockery of the harpo signature.
banned for banning a mocker of mockeries
<(") --Forge
banned for mocking a mocker mocking a mocker mocking a mocker mocking
banned for posting confusing and repetitive sentences
Banned for not understanding said sentence.
banned cause i discovered the banhammer
est hammerzeit!
banned for discovering the banhammer.
banned for banning for a very unoriginal reason
banned for OMG we need a second thread!