since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for bringing in the death panels once more.
"Successful Troll is Successful"
banned for being anti-death panels, scoutdog style.
Banned for being pro-death panelist.
Banned for opposing the death panels. You DO want them to rule in your favor.... don't you?
Banned because of course I I dont
Banned for lies
Banned for truth.
Banned for banning truth that bans lies which helps me follow this discussion after being gone for weeks.... Wait, what?...
banned for trying to follow this discussion after being gone for more than two hours.
Banned for banning goners.
banned for losing
Banned for being lost.
banned for not banning me
Banned for going blind on me.
no banned for banning scoutdog for being lost after i banned him losing.
banned for skipping me, thats my story and im sticking to it.