since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for misspelling "bans".
banned for thinking it was an accccident.
Accidentally banned.
Banned for accidentally banning.
banned for not accidetally banning.
Banned for accidentally-on-purpose banning.
Banned for using a catch that I don't know about
And the next poster is banned for banning me for not knowing. and banned for banning me because i banned them by predicting the future. and banned for banning them because they banned me because i banned them for banning me for not knowing. also banned for banning me because i don't bother to capitiise my letters. and for banning me for spelling 'capitilise' with an 's'. And banned for banning me because i banned you for everything you can ban me for.
Banned because I said so. And because I know what a Catch-22 is. And because you can speak gibberish apparently. AND because EVERYONE knows that the ban-game threads WILL NEVER DIE. EVAR. Thus, there MUST ALWAYS BE ANOTHER POSTER!
So, BANNED because of everything I just said.
damn you beat me.
Banned for not banning.
banned for banning the none banners
Banned because it should be non-banners.
Banned for being a PER-fectionist
banned for being a none per fectionist