since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned because you incorrectly felt that you had to remind me.
banned for not saying thank you for reminding me.
Banned for being there.
Banned for just now banning.
Banned for banning at 3:53
You can not ban me for banning at 10:15
Banned for telling me what i cant do. i can do it but i wont
Banned for banning at 10:15:55 PM on January 22
Banned for creating a mod where the ships can mate with the other ships
Banned for Sending the devs nude photos of yourself
Banned for not banning yourself
Banned for using viewing the forum in Internet explorer 6
Banned for quoting ridiculously long posts and replying with equally long posts
Banned for being an Astronaut
Banned for referring to the year as two thousand and ten, as opposed to twenty ten
Banned for telling lies in a sorry attempt to be funny.
Banned for assuming any of us are telling the truth.
Banned for assuming any of us tell lies.
bammed because i didnt ban scoutdog. bam bam bam bam.
Banned, you can figure out the reason yourself.
banned for demanding that i think
Banned for thinking you can choose not to think. (Disprove that one!)
banned for demanding that one must disprove that one can't think.