since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for being right there. In the spot that you are at. And not moving. And reading this.
banned for thinking i don't move to type
Banned for moving while typing. Must be hard to hit the right keys that way....
banned for not moving at all must be really hard to hit any keys
Banned for being flexible
Banned for not insuring an Imperial Victory over the rebellion, what where you doing all day?
banned for thinking the empire can win.
Banned for i am still confused how the side with superior tech, numbers and even lightsaber wielding warriors loss
Banned because our crappy culture always chooses to allow the "Good Guys" to win, even if these are the same people who Blew up a space station the size of a moon, which probably held more inocent lives then imperial soldier. Think about it, the second Death Star was still under construction, which means most of the personnel were probably construction worker/civilian contractors who had no official standing with the Empire.
banned for not noticing that on the second one everyone got off before it blew up. well except the sith lord.
Banned for assuming that everyone could get off in time. How big is that thing? There is no way everybody got off. And even then that still leaves the first one. Which likely contains huge ammounts of non-combatants, Translators, Maintenance Crew(Granted they have robots but someone has to maintain the robots) etc.
banned for when fighting a war you do what you have to and apolgize after the war is over. how many died on the planet that was destroyed.
banned for posting about destroyed planets.
banned for not destroying this one, oh wait we already are.
Banned for wanting him to work faster.