since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for making me edit my post
banned for having to edit your post
banned because thats what they always say
Banned because the forums appear to have reversed themselves.
banned because theyre un reversed again! yay!
and i thought it was just me . . .
banned for having the penguin of death as an avatar
this is the penguin of LINUX! banned for not knowing that
his name is Tux. if youre nice ill let you pet him
banned for naming the penguin of death
banned because the Penguin of Linux wills it to be so
banned for following the will of the Penguin
banned for angering the Penguin of Death
banned for changing your penguin to the Sad Penguin
banned because Death is the inverse of Linux, not sadness
but thank you for implying that Linux=happiness, which is true
banned for thinking Linux=happiness, I was thinking more the blue/black coloration said it
linux does = happiness
do you even know what it is?
banned for judging a penguin based on his looks