since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for a brain freezing headache on that one.
Banned for suggesting that dogs suffer headaches.
banned for dogging the head
Banned for heading up with some dogging remark.
Banned for heading up the doggy no barking rule.
Banned for owning cats whose bite is worse than their bark.
Banned for being unqualified to judge barks.
banned for being unqualified to qualify what is judge worthy
Banned for trying to qualify what is worthy of judegment.
Banned for 24376, starting of new page. And banned for being judgmental.
Banned for non-acceptance of judgemental edicts that bring about the banning of players who abuse the ban game tradition.
banned for being abused
Banned for abusing the privilege of being banned by Ban Master #1
Banned for abusing the privelege.
Banned, Banned, and Banned for counterfeit, sub-standard, banning code violating, bans and impersonating a Ban Troll.