since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
ok then how are daniel i here by demand rules or will i not havent banned you
Banned for trying to confuse me with your ban and failing.
Banned for banning his God-given right to fail. Its the death panels next, I tells y'all!!
banned for bringing the death panels into this ruleless thread.
Banned for maintaining that the thread is ruleless when there are rules.
Grammar rules and rules that one must ban
Banned for ruling.
Banned for trying to ban a ruler. Give your tyrant some respect!
Banned for you are now my first subject
Banned for being a tyrant.
Banned for restating it
banned for not bowing to your tyrant, or not leading a revolt.
Banned for you are now one of my round table
i here by knight you sir daniel
*hits you with sword*
Banned for hitting someone with a sword. Why not just cut them?
banned for not using a gun.
Banned for speaking nonsense.
i now knight you the black knight
Eternal enemy of my court except betwwen the hours 5 AM and 12 PM