since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for hammering bans that ban banhammers.
Banned for hammering home the final nail in the crate that's a wannabe coffin.
Banned for chewing nails in the hopes that spitting battleships will result in less sinking in the mud.
banned for mud wrestling
Banned for knocking Woodstock.
banned for dancing at woodstock the later variant
Banned for not knowing that Uvah is old enough to have been doing the Twist at the first Woodstock.
banned for getting time lines all twisted up
Banned for thinking you're like Doctor Who and can visit various time lines in your car.
Banned for dismissing Tardis out of hand.
banned for hitting on a blue police box
Banned for opening the door and forgetting to fall in.
Banned for being bigger on the inside than you are outside.
banned for temporal oddities
Banned for not clearing up the oddities in your own backyard.