since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for numbering your undies 1 to 7, a pair for each day of the week... plus a couple of pairs numbered 8 and 9 for that unexpected soiling.
Banned for brown stains on the wall by Hu Flung Shit.
Or gray stains on the sheet by Mr. Completely.
Banned for too much laundry.
Banned for suds.
Banned for doing laundry while in the bathtub to save on suds and water.
Banned for Saturday showers.
Banned for not noticing that it rained all week and then some.
banned for thinking that was rain
Banned for wet water.
Banned for storing dry water in those bottles everyone thinks are empty.
banned for trying to hoard all the dehydrated water.
Banned for dehydrating alcohol so's you can take it in tablet form.
Banned for eating mentos and drinking coke for the bubble effect pouring out of your nose.
banned for nose explosions