Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

Comments (Page 1390)
on May 12, 2017

banned for being against things that hold the rivers back

on May 12, 2017

Banned for levees and dikes with holes in them. How many fingers you got?

on May 12, 2017

Banned for having a finger in the dyke when the levee breaks and water bursts in through the out door because nobody had the presence of mind to boogie with Stu during the immigrant song.

on May 12, 2017

Banned for flying a Led Zeppelin in a thunderstorm.

on May 12, 2017

Banned for going a deep purple when you discovered rock n' roll was responsible for the speed king running over the [sweet] child in time while space truckin' around the stars.... and a deeper blue when you discovered p0rN had therapeutic qualities when viewed in private behind closed [and locked] doors.

on May 13, 2017

Banned for bold titles best suited for old school hijinks likened to italic underwriters who haven't got a clue.

on May 13, 2017

Banned for bald titles and modern school lowjinks while feting insurance underwriters who haven't got a clue or a dime.

on May 13, 2017

Banned for forgetting the ban I was gonna ban with.

on May 13, 2017

banned for old school tunes that need to shake it off

on May 13, 2017

Banned for getting lost in the rock n' roll hall of fame and not having a tail feather to shake at old school tunes.

on May 13, 2017

banned for bringing in the feathers without the freebirds

on May 14, 2017

Banned for Lynyrd would skyn yer innyrds if he knew you were trying to capture his freebird.

on May 14, 2017

Banned for freeing up the Emus to cohabitate with the Ostrich searching for the Kiwi that stole his Wiki.

on May 14, 2017

Banned for neglecting to mention the other flightless birds, the dodo and his dido cousins, who don't care jack diddly-squat about being airborne cos all the best food's on the ground anyhow

on May 14, 2017

I'm banned, so you can't hear me..