since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for hahahah Yes the smiley I wanted to use wasnt working. I orginally intended to necro the post, but i cant remember what colour the demigod forums are.
Off white or blue?
Banned for feeling sorry about danielost. Btw, I think his name is daniel, not danie, thus his nick being daniel-ost.
The Demigod forums have a white background, but replies have light blue and white, i.e. Reply #2026 being white, reply #2027 being light blue, so on and so forth.
"Cute Pokemon always get Parahax!"
Banned for colorizing.
Banned for saturation.
Banned for then can see this without highlighting it?
haha noob
Banned because its barely visible.
Then again, it depends on your monitor's settings. It might be competely invisible for some people
Keep in mind that the background color in your reply was light blue. Had it been white, the letters would be completely invisible.
Banned for I get it, its like here. each post is either black or gray backround, alternatingly.
Banned because that is the way all Stardock forums work.
Banned for How would I know that?
Banned for you could check a few other forums besides SoaSE every once and then.
Obviously, duh
Banned for siding with scoutdog. I have checked out the others actually. But when i go there its solely to post and I hardly recognise any permutations in the backrounds of the different posts.
Banned for when I check out other forums, its solely to see the difference from the Demigod forums. I can very well post from here, no need to post from another forum.
Banned becuase for me its just becuase i get bored and want to post from somewhere else. Check some of the posts relevant to the other games and so on.
Banned for checking stuff.