it isn't the constitution

it isn't the politicians

it isn't the army

it isn't the navy

it isn't the air force

it isn't the reserves

it isn't the national guard

it isn't the Hollywood crowd

what makes America great is the people.

this is what i mean. On 9/11 when those towers came down NYC lost the chief fireman.
there were thousands of people down there helping out. and i bet you non of them were asking anyone what the skin color was, or where they were from. i would also bet that there were a few bigots down there helping also at that point not caring about race, color or national origin.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 24, 2007
I would suggest what made America great was plenty of people, lots of land, great piles of resources and no similarly developed nation on its landmass from its birth. It's easy to be a great power when you share no borders with any others.

Since the 19th century it's just been consolidation of that great natural advantage.
on Jun 24, 2007

when you share no borders with any others.

Canada will be pissed....

on Jun 24, 2007
Heh. Like Canada can do anything about it. Notice that Mexico isn't even pissed.
on Jun 24, 2007
Canada will be pissed....

Maybe, but I didn't think it ever considered itself a great power. Great in agriculture, sure, but not exactly an Israel or even a France on the military map.
on Jun 25, 2007
They are just hiding their military might until they're ready to take out the US. Then, we will feel the wrath of Canada. Until then, we shall laugh.
on Jun 25, 2007
As long as they know the US capital I'm okay with it. I mean, c'mon. Ottawa? Who remembers that? I only remember because their hockey team is the Ottawa Senators. You should call in and say it's Montreal.

Yeah, Ottawa's a pretty gay name for a capital. I mean, think of it..."Mr Smith goes to Ottawa? It just doesn't have the right ring to it. They shoulda named it "awottowa" to have possibly the only palindromic capital. They would, however, have to make the entire city symmetrcal, but I do digress.

And people wonder why I call Canucks "Honorary Frenchmen"!
on Jun 25, 2007
No-one's quite as, well, "French", as the French, though. French-Canadian is still part non-French.
on Jun 25, 2007
No-one's quite as, well, "French", as the French, though.

I don't know. California's getting close.

I was trying to figure out if the EU would let us trade California for the Netherlands!
on Jun 25, 2007
Poor Canadians. The only evil they ever did was unleash Celine Dion on the world... on second thoughts, let's nuke 'em right now!
on Jun 25, 2007
Heh. Like Canada can do anything about it. Notice that Mexico isn't even pissed.

Mexico has thousand alternate ways into USA. Of course they aren't pissed because they aren't blocked in least yet.
on Jun 25, 2007
on Jun 25, 2007
So someone posts basically saying it's really cool that folks can rise to the bigger picture. That when something so large happens that's beyond the scope of individual or tribal bigotry, our humanity transcends and is able to meet the challenge of the moment.

Then much of the rest of the thread just illustrates why it seems so bloody noteworthy.....

I just note that when push comes to shove, people can still amaze & delight. I find it re-assuring and have no problem when someone chooses to remind me of it.

on Jun 25, 2007
Hang on.... Britain is "Great", America is "United".   
on Jun 25, 2007
hehe good word play bro:)
on Jun 25, 2007
When there where bombings on the London transport system and folk lost their lives the general public,and the emergency services (regardless,of creed colour or religion) pulled together just as our American cousins did during their moment of tragedy.
The ability to do this is what makes ANY country great,it's not unique to America.

The last bloke in Europe to go around shouting how great his country was and how it was a civilisation above all others shot himself in the head in 1945.
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